Lionheart Remake


Valdyn finally emerged from the swamps.
In the distance he could see the ancient
city on the border of Norka’s country.


Dusk Dawn Day
Dusk Dawn Day


Stage Image
1 Stage1
1 (hard) Stage1
2 Stage2
2 (hard) Stage2
3 Stage3
3 (hard) Stage3


Object Name Description
Talisment Talisment Increases talisment count
PotionLittle Potion Little Restore one health
PotionBig Potion Big Fill health
Life Life Increase life count
Sword2 Sword 2 Set damages value to 2
Sword3 Sword 3 Set damages value to 3
TurningCube Turning Cube Patrol on line
Floater Floater Collidable drowning scenery
SpikeBowl Spike Bowl Rotate around
Platform Platform Rotate around
Bird Bird Stop vertical movement on hit, or hurt
CarnivorousPlant Carnivorous Plant Kill player on fall
Crawling Crawling Can walk, turn and jump
Bee Bee Patrol movement or move on player
Canon1 Canon 1 Fire on delay
Canon2 Canon 2 Fire on delay
Canon3 Canon 3 Fire on delay to player
Executioner Executioner Patrol and attack on sight
Gobelin Gobelin Throw on delay

Byron 3D Games Studio